Today on the show, I have Emily Fonnesbeck a mom of four! She shares her inspiring story of infertility, motherhood and how she overcame orthorexia! Since her journey through healing, she now helps others discover happiness in themselves and in food!
A few highlights from this interview include:
- Emily shares how her journey of motherhood first began.
- Emily shares her story of infertility and pregnancy.
- How she dealt with the transition from working full time to staying home with a new baby.
- What is Orthorexia?
- Emily and I share our thoughts on food morality.
- We share our postpartum story and how we got through it.
- Where is Emily at now and how she is going through her current pregnancy?
Emily Fonnesbeck is a mom and Registered Dietitian who owns her own private practice in southern Utah. Her nutrition passion consists of helping individuals free themselves from diets, disordered eating, food anxiety, poor body image and obsessive exercise. She has a non-diet, weight-neutral, client-centered approach to help people make peace with food and live confident, healthy and satisfying lives.
Mentioned in this episode:
and uncover WHY you're struggling with food and your body!